Our Clinics

We deliver a wide range of in-house expertise which enables us to provide a first class service which we continually strive to improve. We are actively involved in research and the training of doctors specialising in General Practice.

Our highly qualified nurses can carry out most of the services; however, should you wish to see the doctor, you are welcome to do so.

Alcohol counselling

A clinic is held every week with a community alcohol nurse from Camden Alcohol Service to provide help and advice to those with alcohol-related problems. Please make an appointment with your doctor who will refer you if appropriate.

For more information on alcohol from the NHS website please click HERE.

Blood (Phlebotomy) clinic

Adults can make an appointment to have a blood test at the Royal Free Hospital  Monday to Friday, from 7.30am to 5.30pm, and Saturday from 8am-1pm.

You can book your appointment online Royal Free Hospital click on the link to the booking system. Follow on screen prompts.

If you cannot book online you can telephone the trust to make your appointment on 020 7443 9757 (Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm). Normal call charges will apply.

For more information about blood services at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust please visit: www.royalfree.nhs.uk/bloodtests 

There is a children’s blood test clinic at the Royal Free Hospital for children and teenagers from 0 to 16 years old. The clinic is open from 9am – 12.30pm and 1.30pm – 4pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank holidays). No appointment is necessary.  Please go to the paediatric out-patients department in clinic one on the first floor of the hospital.

We also offer blood test appointments here at the surgery but as demand often outstrips supply we try to reserve these appointments for patients who are less able to travel.


You can discuss your contraception needs with any of our doctors or nurses.

If you are ordering a repeat prescription and you have been seen within the last year you can complete a self assessment form found here.

Chronic conditions clinics

Asthma, Chronic kidney disease, COPD (Coronary Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Diabetes, Epilepsy, Hypertension (High Blood pressure), Heart Disease/Failure and Mental Health Clinics are held weekly.

All patients with a chronic condition are strongly recommended to attend at least once a year. All clinics are by appointments only.

Complementary medicine

Limited appointments for acupuncture are available – please enquire at the surgery.

Drug services

Change, grow, live hold shared clinics at the practice. Please contact your doctor if you wish to discuss attending sessions at the practice.

Flu Vaccination

Flu vaccination clinics start every September/October

iCope (Psychological Support Service)

iCope offers a range of treatments for anxiety and depression.

Colleagues from iCope hold clinics at Brondesbury Medical Centre. Your doctor will refer you to the service if appropriate. You can also refer yourself.

The treatments iCope offer have been shown to be effective and are recommended by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

The treatments they offer include:-

  • Guided self-help
  • Psychological Therapy, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (cCBT)
  • Community Links
  • Groups, courses and workshops
  • Mindfulness – for depression, or stress and illness
  • And a range of other treatments.

To find out more about how iCope may be able to help you go to their website.

Maternity clinics

We can provide a shared maternity service.

This includes antenatal clinics run by our linked midwives from the Royal Free Hospital if appropriate; we can refer you to the hospital of your choice usually Royal Free Hospital, St. Mary’s or UCLH.

We have a full baby clinic service following the birth of your child and hope very much you will attend for post natal and baby care at Brondesbury Medical Centre.

Minor Surgery Clinic

Dr Rumshia Ahmad currently performs minor surgical operations at Brondesbury Medical Centre. Please make an appointment with your doctor who will refer you if appropriate. Once it has been established that the referral is suitable for the minor surgery clinic a member of our team will contact you to offer you the next available appointment.

Mother & Baby Clinic (by appointment only)

Thursday  2pm – 4pm – 8 week check and post natal check with first immunisations.

BCG’s not given at this practice. Please contact your health visitor.

All other immunisations can be booked with our Practice Nurses Monday – Saturday.

“NHS vaccinations and when to have them”

Brondesbury Medical Centre’s guidance for “What to do when your child is unwell”


You can be referred to the NHS Camden MSK (Musculoskeletal) Service clinic held at Belsize Priory NHS Health Centre by your doctor or you can self refer. The service is delivered by Connect Health.


Appointments may be booked for this clinic throughout the week for help and advice on quitting smoking.


This practice welcomes teenagers. You are welcome to make appointments with a nurse or doctor of your choice in complete confidence. A young person may be seen alone if appropriate.

Wart Clinic

All types of wart or verrucae can be removed. Please consult a doctor who will refer you on to the clinic if necessary. Attendance at this clinic is by appointment only.

Women’s health & family planning clinic

Appointments can be made at any time with the practice nurse or with your usual doctor. The practice provides a range of contraception including a coil and implant insertion service, cervical smears and sexual health checks with absolute confidentiality.

NHS  “Your contraceptive guide”