What to do when we are closed

Out of Hours Emergencies

Call 111 when it's less urgent than 999

When the practice is closed, there is an out of hours emergency medical service available at all times. This service is meant for urgent and emergency problems and should not be used to avoid the inconvenience of consulting during the day.  If you need out of hours help, you should telephone 111 which is a free-phone number nationwide. Trained staff located at the call control centre will handle your enquiry.  

On dialling 111 a team of fully trained advisers and experienced nurses will assess your condition and direct you to the local service that can help you best, when you need it. That could be your GP surgery, an out of hours GP, A&E, a local urgent care centre, emergency dentist or a late opening pharmacist. The 111 service is in operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Remember the Out of Hours Service is for urgent problems only. Please do not contact the service for a second opinion or for anything which can wait until the next working day.

If you have a minor ailment you could visit your local pharmacy who will be able to provide you with some help or signpost you onto the next available service.

In a genuine emergency you should call 999. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.

Mental Health Crisis?

You should call 999 or go to A&E if you, or someone you know, experiences a life-threatening medical or mental health emergency. These are cases where there is immediate danger to life or physical injury. A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a medical emergency. If you feel like you may be close to acting on suicidal thoughts or have seriously harmed yourself, you should call 999 or go to A&E directly if you need immediate help and are worried about your safety.

If you have difficulty communication or hearing

Dial Text phone: 18001 111 (more information can be found here on the signhealth website)

On the rare occasion when we close the telephone lines during the day (Monday – Friday 8am – 6.30pm) for staff training please telephone Care UK 020 7388 5800

If you have an urgent medical problem that cannot wait but is not an emergency, you can be seen at an Urgent Care Center. If we are open please do not go to an Urgent Care Center without contacting us first and speaking with the Duty Doctor.

There are many urgent medical problems that we are able to help you with on the same day – even if you do not have an appointment booked or there are no appointments available.

NHS 111 and the out-of-hours GP Service does not currently have access to your medical records and so any important information such as current medication, any medical conditions or allergies must be explained to them.

Register to use the text service

You must register your mobile phone on the emergencySMS website to be able to use the text service.